So...whats for dinner? - Page 1499 (2024)

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    • wallycat Member Posts: 1,321

      June 25


      Picking through leftovers and not eating much.

      DH was admitted to hospital overnight. His calcium was back up and kidney function going down, so they wanted 24 hour IV, calcitonin and they are starting the dreaded denasumab/prolia and hopeful he can salvage what little jaw is left. I've been crying and angry and scared and fill in the blank.

      Brought him home this afternoon but he refuses food. He got sick and couldn't tolerate breakfast at the hospital. Calcitonin will do that. I should be "ready" but I am not.

      Feel like I'm treading water and too far from shore….


    • minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

      June 25


      Oh Wally - so sorry. Fill in the blank expresses everything. Holding you in my thoughts

    • maggie15 Member Posts: 1,027

      June 25


      Carole, I like your Meatloaf Monday to Meatless Monday.

      Wally, I’m so sorry your DH took a turn for the worse and has to take the dreaded calcitonin and denasumab. While you may be intellectually ready you are never emotionally “ready” for this. Cyber hugs and my rowboat oar / ring buoy for you (I was a lifeguard at Horseneck Beach on the Atlantic in the pre-jet ski days.)

      Dinner tonight was sausage meatballs in Rao’s on spaghetti.

    • malleemiss251 Member Posts: 410

      June 25


      In your pocket @wallycat. The going can get tough at times. Sending good thoughts to you and your DH.

    • illimae Member Posts: 5,636

      June 26


      Made the creamy garlic spinach turkey meatballs again since DH enjoyed it so much the first time and it was very good. More prep and cooking time than I usually have the energy for but definitely worth it on occasion. Served it over riced cauliflower to keep it low carb.

    • reader425 Member Posts: 887

      June 26


      Wally thinking of you and your DH. Hugs to you.

      Carole, we did have meatloaf that I had made,from the freezer along with my summer foil packet veggies of squash, zuchinni, red onion, tomato, dill, s&p, and olive oil. I had a side of sweet potato while DH had a side of leftover pasta. All was quite good. Prepping ahead allowed me to swim some laps before dinner.

    • carolehalston Member Posts: 7,959

      June 26


      Wally, my thoughts are with you and your dh.

      Last night's dinner was a skillet dish with cabbage, carrots, and Polish sausage. Leftover beets. The rest of the leftover mac and cheese.

      Tonight will be fajitas with thin ribeye, guacamole, refried beans, corn tortillas, etc.

    • I’ve actually had (and made) crab chips, akin to Cantonese shrimp chips. Bought them in Asian grocery stores (as “crab crackers”).. They look like little pieces of stained glass—you deep-fry them and after a second or two they puff up and you retrieve them with a “spider.” Lather, rinse, repeat. Makes oil splatter all over the stove (and anything hanging nearby)) and are insanely Carbo-fatty but yummy. Of course, they’re out of the question for me now.

      The main move here was traumatic, especially for BangBang (see the Drinking thread), but we’re settling in. Discovering this house is set up more for long-term vacations (Vrbo or AirBnB) for families with little kids, but not great for geriatrics. We had grab bars installed in the shower, and we will have to have a lower step installed below the narrow high precarious concrete slab—to match the one our across-the-driveway neighbors have. Unfortunately, the more accessible main door’s lock requires a different combination (that’s what the owner uses and did not disclose to the rental agency) and can be locked or unlocked only from inside. No key provided for basem*nt door. No workstation, so have to drag a chair into the guest bedroom to use as a study. Hope it’s not too far from the router to get signal.

      Dinner last night at L.Woods was brisket, baked beans, cornbread & slaw (I ate the meat & some of the slaw, and shared a wedge salad with Bob, who had steak frites; I packed the rest to freeze). Likely go to Regalia tonight because we need to go to our house to pick up mail & laundry delivery).

    • eric95us Member Posts: 3,084

      June 26


      Wally…thinking of you and your DH.

    • illimae Member Posts: 5,636

      June 26


      Tonight is pan roasted peppers, snap peas and chicken in Kevin’s Tikka Masala sauce (haven’t tried it before, i smelled it and I’m skeptical) with the remaining asparagus bunch. It looks good, we’ll see.

      So...whats for dinner? - Page 1499 (11)

    • maggie15 Member Posts: 1,027

      June 27 edited June 27


      Sandy, Sorry that the move was traumatic for your kitties. Staying put for a while should help them calm down.

      Illimae, A new premade sauce is a bit of a risk but there’s no way of finding out how good it is without trying. I make a not quite authentic Tikka Masala starting with marinara and adding garam masala, butter, cream, honey, garlic, cayenne pepper and salt. The meal looks great in your photo.

      Carole, You inspired me to make fajitas tomorrow since I need to do something different with my steak.

      Dinner tonight was meatloaf (Thanks, Reader) with sautéed mixed squash and mashed potatoes.


    • minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

      June 27


      Mae - will be interested to hear your verdict on the sauce.

      I bought another brand of Hoisin sauce. As Maggie said - we'll see.

      Today's meal was left over garlic shrimp with ramen noodles in heavy cream with lots of butter. No calories there.

      Wally - will still be holding you in my thoughts. Wish I could send a long distance hug.

    • m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,552

      June 27


      Last night dinner was something light for me as I didn’t want to really upset my stomach just after getting home from outpatient surgery and hubby had something heavier for him.

      Thinking of making brats and a quick side for dinner tonight.

    • wallycat Member Posts: 1,321

      June 27 edited June 27


      Eric and Minus, that is very kind of you. DH ended up getting up, eating and even 5 minutes on the stationary bike, last night. We have labs to redo on monday and pcp on tuesday….hopefully optimistic. Maybe he will be like my cats and get 9 lives.

      I'm making asparagus, tofu and rice for tonight.


    • illimae Member Posts: 5,636

      June 27


      minus, the sauce tasted better than I expected, although there is definitely a spice in middle eastern food that I just don’t like. DH enjoyed it and it was an easy thing to load up veggies with. I prefer Kevin’s chicken curry sauce but already used the last packet.

      In El Paso for treatment, so I picked up a Marco’s pepperoni magnifico pizza for myself and will eat that for the next few days.

    • maggie15 Member Posts: 1,027

      June 27


      m0mmy, I hope your recovery from surgery continues to go well. Easy and light for meals is a good strategy.

      Minus, Shrimp, cream and butter are low carb so look at your meal that way, lol.

      Wally, Glad your DH is improving. All cat lovers deserve nine lives, too.

      Illimae, Enjoy your pizza.

      Dinner tonight was steak fajitas.

    • minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

      June 28


      Another eclectic meal before & after a community meeting with our Division police force. Radishes, 2 Baby Bel cheese, cantaloupe, 2 hard boiled eggs, sunflower seeds, 2 pieces lemon pudding cake. Can I stop myself from munching on some Ruffles with Ridges???

    • carolehalston Member Posts: 7,959

      June 28


      Encouraging news, Wally.

      Dinner last night was mashed potato salad and a brat for each of us. Also the last of the fresh beets. Mustard as a condiment for the brats. All good.

      We had a lot of rain overnight and it was overcast this morning. DH's Friday golf game was cancelled so we went out for breakfast in town at West Forty, our preferred diner for breakfast. I had a sausage and cheese omelet and did the WW trick, cutting it in half and eating one half. I also shared dh's pancake that he substitutes for toast. He had his favorite breakfast, the Case, with sausage patties, two eggs over easy and hash browns.

      Tonight will be boneless chicken breast prepared in some fashion.


    • wallycat Member Posts: 1,321

      June 28


      We went to Sequim today to deal with an unworking hearing aid for DH. He drove!! Scary but happy. We brought home some Mexican take-out for dinner.


    • m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,552

      June 29


      Hubby wanted to give me a rest from cooking dinner tonight and took me out for dinner. First time venturing out since the surgery.


    • maggie15 Member Posts: 1,027

      June 29


      Minus, When I was the only one home for for dinner I called it eating what I felt like. “Eclectic” sounds so much better.

      Dinner tonight was lemon pepper salmon with spinach and sautéed potatoes.

    • reader425 Member Posts: 887

      June 29


      A super delicious seafood salad on a new England style split roll for a late lunch-ish around 4 after river kayaking today. Along with a side salad it was enough except for a snack of fruit and cornbread around 7. Oh and pie. We have friends visiting so I bought a strawberry key lime pie we " had" to finish later.

    • maggie15 Member Posts: 1,027

      June 30


      Reader, The strawberry key lime pie sounds delicious. It hardly counts after all the energy you expended kayaking.

      Today is our 50th anniversary. We had planned to go out to dinner but the rain nixed the possibility of eating outside. Instead I got lobsters and made lobster salad, a treat even though I had to do the work myself. I have to go to Boston for a couple of days in a week's time so we can try there. Unfortunately my favorite restaurants are in the North End where the mayor has forbidden outdoor dining even though it's allowed in the rest of the city. I'm not up with the politics behind it but there's surely plenty of drama.


    • reader425 Member Posts: 887

      June 30


      Happy 50th anniversary Maggie! Glad you got to celebrate although differently than planned.

    • minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

      June 30


      Second Reader's wishes - happy 50th anniversary Maggie

    • eric95us Member Posts: 3,084

      June 30


      Happy Golden Anniversary!!!!

    • wallycat Member Posts: 1,321

      June 30


      Happy Anniversary, Maggie!! May you get many more years with your sweetie!!

      I made black cod with a miso/sambal/garlic paste and a huge salad with some corn off the cob into the salad.

    • carolehalston Member Posts: 7,959

      June 30


      Happy Anniversary, Maggie! Your celebration dinner sounds delicious. You have nudged my curiosity. I'll have to do some research on the politics of no outside dining.

      Yesterday the weather was too much of a good thing. It was cold and windy, with gusts of north wind that threatened to turn our tent into a kite, even though it's held firmly to earth with long screws. There were crowds of people, some of them in shorts and tee shirts. I wore three layers with my sweatshirt hoody on my head. We were pessimistic about sales until one woman bought two large bowls for herself with little deliberation. Other sales followed. It turned out to be our best day of this summer so far.

      Dinner was a turkey dinner on Mary's deck with 20 plus people. The occasion was a goodbye meal for a couple who are leaving. The older man who bought their camper attended. My contribution was financial. I paid half the $40 for the turkey and bought the cranberry sauce. The owners of the resort brought pies for desserts. Other people brought dishes. As always when Mary is in charge, the food was very good. Fortunately the sun popped out to warm up what someone said was great weather for October.

      In my email this morning was a recipe for tuna casserole using a mac and cheese package, frozen peas, and canned tuna. No oven necessary. No doubt I will be using that recipe before the summer is over. Dh loves the old-fashioned tuna casserole and I like it, too. I seldom make it because it's too easy to overeat.

    • illimae Member Posts: 5,636

      June 30


      Big salad for us tonight with all the usual veggies and topped with rotisserie chicken chunks, grated cheddar and croutons. I absolutely love a good salad.

    • minustwo Member Posts: 13,172

      June 30


      I love a good salad too Mae. That's what I had yesterday. 7 or 8 veggies and even added a hard boiled egg. Served with Club crackers & butter.

      Wally - the cod sounds delicious with the miso/sambal paste. I add garlic liberally to most things.

      Today I made a delicious potato salad (no garlic). I paired it with 2 hot dogs. I prefer the long, thin, bun length dogs but unfortunately the grocery store was totally out. Bought the regular wieners - but they truly aren't the same. I'll probably use the leftovers to cut up in beans.

      Carole - love the description of your sweatshirt weather. As a fellow Southerner, you can appreciate our third day in a row that the temperature reached 100 degrees - and that's in the shade under the North side of my covered porch. I have a friend going to Santa Cruz in two weeks. She just can't imagine why she'll need a sweater or sweat shirt when the sun goes down.



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    So...whats for dinner? - Page 1499 (2024)
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    Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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