Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (2024)

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My Experience With Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer

What Makes It Stand Out

Deep Dive Into Nutritional Value

The Science Behind The Supplement


Bottom Line

If you're vegan and looking to bulk up, you know the struggle is real.

But here's some good news: Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer is here to change the game.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (1)

This isn't just another supplement. It's a powerhouse of plant-based proteins, complex carbs, and essential nutrients, all designed to help you gain muscle and weight the vegan way.

Finding a mass gainer that fits into a vegan lifestyle can be tough, but Transparent Labs makes it easy.

With this mass gainer, you're not just getting a protein shake; you're getting a complete tool to help you meet your fitness goals without compromising on your dietary principles.

Vegan Gainer

Vegan Mass Gainer by Transparent Labs

This is a vegan mass gainer that provides a balanced blend of plant-based proteins, carbohydrates, and essential nutrients designed to support muscle growth and weight gain.


  • High Protein Content
  • Complex Carbohydrates
  • Low Fat Formula

Ingredients:710 Calories, 50g Protein (Pea Protein Isolate), 110g Carbs (Organic Tapioca Maltodextrin, Acacia Gum, VitaFiber™, Oat Flour, Sweet Potato Powder), 9g Fat (Coconut Milk Powder, MCT Oil Powder), 5g Dietary Fiber, 10g Sugars (Includes 0g Added Sugars), 400mg Sodium, 3g Creatine Monohydrate, and other ingredients including Natural Flavors, Salt, and Stevia Extract. Contains tree nuts.


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My Experience With Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer

What Makes It Stand Out

Deep Dive Into Nutritional Value

The Science Behind The Supplement


Bottom Line

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (3)

My Experience With Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer

The Vegan Mass Gainer offers a unique take on supplement flavors.

While it might not fully satisfy those craving the indulgent taste of a dessert, it does provide a decent alternative for those committed to vegan nutrition.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (4)

Here are some key takeaways from trying the Vanilla Cupcake flavor:

  • Smoothie Integration:When mixed into a smoothie, the mass gainer contributes to a weak cookie mix flavor. The vegan protein's presence is unmistakable, resembling a vegan vanilla-flavored milk with a rough, not thick, and gritty texture.
  • Satiety:It's not as filling as traditional mass gainers but still offers a level of satisfaction. The lack of bloating or stomach issues is a significant plus, indicating its digestibility and suitability for sensitive systems.
  • Mixability:Achieving a smooth mix requires effort, especially without a blender. The product tends to be gritty and doesn't dissolve easily with a fork, necessitating a bit more patience in preparation.
  • Flavor and Sweetness:The sweetness is moderate, not overpowering, which might appeal to those who prefer subtler tastes. However, the overall flavor profile is described as mediocre, with the vegan protein's characteristics dominating the experience.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (5)

When you stir Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer into a glass of milk, the first thing you'll notice is an intriguing salty kick, quickly followed by a gentle sweep of sweetness.

It's an unexpected duo that works surprisingly well, offering a creamier, more palatable alternative to the usual water mix.

  • First Impressions:Salty meets sweet in a surprising twist.
  • Creaminess:Milk elevates the mix to a smoother, richer level.
  • Refreshing:It's a comforting pick-me-up after a tough workout, easy on the stomach and refreshing.
  • Taste Deep Dive:The pea protein is unmistakable, setting the stage with its robust flavor. Vanilla and a whisper of cupcake batter do their best to come through, but they're playing in a field dominated by pea protein's gritty texture.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (6)

This isn't your everyday protein shake—it's something that grows on you, especially after you've pushed yourself to the limit and need something soothing yet satisfying.

While it might not be the shake you daydream about during your workout, its ability to quench and comfort without weighing you down is a definite plus for anyone living the vegan athlete life.

Despite its improved creaminess with milk, the vegan mass gainer's taste might not be something you find yourself craving.

However, its ability to refresh and satisfy after a workout session, without causing any stomach discomfort, makes it a worthy option for those committed to a vegan fitness lifestyle.

For those exploring vegan supplement options, Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer represents a step towards accommodating dietary preferences in the fitness world.

While it may not replicate the exact taste and texture of non-vegan counterparts, it stands as a testament to the evolving landscape of health and wellness supplements.

Explore the regular mass gainer for an alternative experience.

Vegan Gainer

Vegan Mass Gainer by Transparent Labs

This is a vegan mass gainer that provides a balanced blend of plant-based proteins, carbohydrates, and essential nutrients designed to support muscle growth and weight gain.


  • High Protein Content
  • Complex Carbohydrates
  • Low Fat Formula

Ingredients:710 Calories, 50g Protein (Pea Protein Isolate), 110g Carbs (Organic Tapioca Maltodextrin, Acacia Gum, VitaFiber™, Oat Flour, Sweet Potato Powder), 9g Fat (Coconut Milk Powder, MCT Oil Powder), 5g Dietary Fiber, 10g Sugars (Includes 0g Added Sugars), 400mg Sodium, 3g Creatine Monohydrate, and other ingredients including Natural Flavors, Salt, and Stevia Extract. Contains tree nuts.


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What Makes It Stand Out

Transparent Labs has crafted a vegan mass gainer that ticks all the boxes for health-conscious athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Here's why it's catching everyone's attention:

  • High-Quality Plant-Based Protein:With 50g of pea protein isolate per serving, it provides a robust amino acid profile essential for muscle repair and growth.
  • Energy-Sustaining Carbs:The 110g of complex carbohydrates from sources like organic tapioca maltodextrin and sweet potato powder offer sustained energy for your workouts and daily activities.
  • Nutrient-Dense, Low-Fat Formula:At 710 calories, with only 9g of fat and a low sugar content, it's designed to support weight gain goals without unnecessary fats or sugars.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (8)

Deep Dive Into Nutritional Value

The Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer isn't just impressive on paper; its nutritional profile is meticulously designed to support your muscle growth and recovery.

Let's break down what makes each serving so powerful:

  • Calories:Each serving packs 710 calories, crucial for those looking to gain weight and muscle. It's about providing your body with the energy surplus needed for growth.
  • Protein:With 50 grams of pea protein isolate, it ensures your muscles receive the essential amino acids necessary for repair and growth. Pea protein is known for its excellent digestibility and amino acid profile, comparable to the best animal-based proteins.
  • Carbohydrates:110 grams of carbs from clean, complex sources fuel your workouts and recovery without spiking your blood sugar. Ingredients like organic tapioca maltodextrin and sweet potato powder provide a steady release of energy.
  • Fats:The 9 grams of fat per serving include medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) from coconut milk powder, which are easily converted into energy, supporting your metabolism and providing a healthy source of fats.
  • Fiber and Extras:With 5 grams of dietary fiber, it supports digestive health, while the inclusion of 3 grams of creatine monohydrate per serving aids in improving strength and performance.

This nutritional blend is designed not just for quantity but for quality, ensuring that every calorie and nutrient serves a purpose towards your health and fitness goals.

It's a testament to Transparent Labs' commitment to providing supplements that support your body and your values.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (9)

The Science Behind The Supplement

Embracing a vegan lifestyle doesn't mean compromising on muscle growth or performance.

The Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer is grounded in solid science, ensuring you get the best plant-based ingredients known for their effectiveness in supporting muscle gain and recovery.

  • Pea Protein Isolate:A standout for its high-quality protein, pea protein isolate is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), particularly arginine, which promotes muscle growth and heart health. Studies have shown that pea protein can stimulate muscle growth as effectively as whey protein, making it an excellent choice for vegans and vegetarians alike.
  • Complex Carbohydrates:The choice of carbohydrates in this mass gainer is designed to provide a sustained energy release. Complex carbs, unlike their simple counterparts, help maintain stable blood sugar levels, providing a steady source of energy during workouts and aiding in recovery post-exercise.
  • Creatine Monohydrate:Included in the formula is creatine monohydrate, a supplement well-documented for its benefits in increasing strength, power, and muscle mass. Creatine works by regenerating ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy carrier in cells, which is crucial during high-intensity workouts.

This blend of ingredients is not just about packing in the nutrients; it's about ensuring each component works synergistically to support your fitness journey.

By choosing Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer, you're not just fueling your body; you're backing it with science, ensuring every scoop moves you closer to your goals.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (10)

Flavors That Excite

Choosing a vegan mass gainer doesn't mean you have to compromise on taste.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer breaks the mold with two exciting flavors that make every shake a treat:

  • Chocolate Glaze Donut:This flavor is a dream come true for anyone with a sweet tooth. It perfectly captures the essence of a freshly glazed donut, combining rich chocolate tones with a hint of sweetness. It's a flavor that not only satisfies your nutritional needs but also delights your taste buds.
  • Vanilla Cupcake:Light, creamy, and just sweet enough, the Vanilla Cupcake flavor offers a smooth and comforting taste. It's like indulging in a vanilla frosted cupcake without any of the guilt. This flavor is versatile, making it an excellent base for smoothies and other creative recipes.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (11)

Transparent Labs has gone above and beyond to ensure that these flavors are not only delicious but also free from artificial sweeteners and coloring.

The result is a mass gainer that you can enjoy drinking every day, knowing you're treating your body to the best ingredients without any unwanted additives.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (12)

Incorporating It Into Your Routine

Adding Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer to your diet is straightforward.

Whether you're looking to bulk up or need an extra calorie boost to meet your daily requirements, a serving of this mass gainer can be easily integrated into your morning smoothie, post-workout shake, or even baked goods for an extra protein-packed treat.

Comparison With Other Vegan Mass Gainers

When compared to other vegan mass gainers on the market, Transparent Labs' formula stands out for its clean label, high protein content, and the thoughtful selection of carbohydrate sources.

It's not just about the quantity of the nutrients but the quality and how they contribute to muscle gain and overall health.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (13)

Making the Right Choice For Your Health And Goals

Choosing the right mass gainer is crucial for meeting your fitness goals without compromising your dietary preferences or health.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer offers a balanced, nutrient-dense option that supports muscle growth, energy levels, and overall well-being.

It's a testament to the brand's commitment to transparency, quality, and the needs of the vegan fitness community.

Vegan Gainer

Vegan Mass Gainer by Transparent Labs

This is a vegan mass gainer that provides a balanced blend of plant-based proteins, carbohydrates, and essential nutrients designed to support muscle growth and weight gain.


  • High Protein Content
  • Complex Carbohydrates
  • Low Fat Formula

Ingredients:710 Calories, 50g Protein (Pea Protein Isolate), 110g Carbs (Organic Tapioca Maltodextrin, Acacia Gum, VitaFiber™, Oat Flour, Sweet Potato Powder), 9g Fat (Coconut Milk Powder, MCT Oil Powder), 5g Dietary Fiber, 10g Sugars (Includes 0g Added Sugars), 400mg Sodium, 3g Creatine Monohydrate, and other ingredients including Natural Flavors, Salt, and Stevia Extract. Contains tree nuts.


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Is Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer suitable for all vegan diets?

Yes, it's designed to fit seamlessly into any vegan diet, providing plant-based protein and nutrients essential for muscle growth.

Can I use this mass gainer if I have a sensitive stomach?

Absolutely. It's known for being easy on the digestive system, with minimal reports of bloating or discomfort.

How does the Vegan Mass Gainer compare to whey-based supplements?

While it offers comparable nutritional benefits, the taste and texture may differ due to its plant-based ingredients. For a deeper dive into Transparent Labs' offerings, including whey-based options, check outTransparent Labs Supplements.

What's the best way to mix the Vegan Mass Gainer for a smoother texture?

Using a blender or shaker bottle is recommended for the smoothest consistency.

Can I return the product if it doesn't meet my expectations?

Transparent Labs typically offers a satisfaction guarantee, but it's best to review their return policy for specifics.

How often should I use the Vegan Mass Gainer to see results?

Consistency is key. Incorporating it as part of your daily nutrition and workout routine is recommended for best results.

Does the Vegan Mass Gainer contain any artificial sweeteners or flavors?

No, it's free from artificial sweeteners and flavors, aligning with Transparent Labs' commitment to clean, natural ingredients.

Can non-vegans benefit from using this mass gainer?

Yes, it's a great alternative for anyone looking to diversify their protein sources or reduce dairy intake.

How does the Vegan Mass Gainer flavor compare to traditional mass gainers?

While it aims to offer enjoyable flavors, the natural characteristics of pea protein may be noticeable. For flavor comparisons, including non-vegan options, exploreTop Flavors of Transparent Labs Whey Isolate.

Where can I learn more about Transparent Labs and their product legitimacy?

For an in-depth look at the brand's reputation and product quality, visitIs Transparent Labs Legit?.

Vegan Gainer

Vegan Mass Gainer by Transparent Labs

This is a vegan mass gainer that provides a balanced blend of plant-based proteins, carbohydrates, and essential nutrients designed to support muscle growth and weight gain.


  • High Protein Content
  • Complex Carbohydrates
  • Low Fat Formula

Ingredients:710 Calories, 50g Protein (Pea Protein Isolate), 110g Carbs (Organic Tapioca Maltodextrin, Acacia Gum, VitaFiber™, Oat Flour, Sweet Potato Powder), 9g Fat (Coconut Milk Powder, MCT Oil Powder), 5g Dietary Fiber, 10g Sugars (Includes 0g Added Sugars), 400mg Sodium, 3g Creatine Monohydrate, and other ingredients including Natural Flavors, Salt, and Stevia Extract. Contains tree nuts.


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Bottom Line

The Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer offers a solid option for those on a vegan diet looking to bulk up.

While the taste and texture may not be for everyone, its nutritional profile is designed to support muscle growth and recovery effectively.

For those willing to navigate the taste for the sake of clean, plant-based ingredients, it's a worthwhile addition to your fitness regimen.

For alternatives and more in-depth supplement guides, exploring options like Bulk Black vs. Bulk Comparisoncan provide additional insights to tailor your supplement stack to your specific needs and goals.

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (16)

by Nader Qudimat

Forged by iron and cold steel, I'm Nader, a mid-30s natural bodybuilder. Once a 100lb skinny guy, I've transformed into a 200lb muscular athlete with over 15 years of lifting experience. Today, I leverage my transformation and extensive experience to guide countless individuals on their fitness journeys.

Click here to check out my 12 year transformation: Natural 12 Year Transformation

Transparent Labs Vegan Mass Gainer: Bulk Up The Plant-Based Way (2024)


What are the side effects of plant-based mass gainers? ›

Here are 5 Mass Gainer Side Effects
  • Weight Gain. While the primary purpose of mass gainers is to facilitate weight gain, excessive consumption can lead to unintended and unhealthy increases in body weight. ...
  • Digestive Issues. ...
  • Kidney Damage. ...
  • Insulin Resistance. ...
  • Dehydration.
Aug 22, 2023

Is plant-based Mass Gainer good? ›

ANTIOXIDANT BENEFITS: By consuming a plant-based mass gainer containing green tea catechins, you can help combat free radicals in your body, which contribute to oxidative stress and various health issues.

Does transparent labs mass gainer have creatine? ›

This is why we included 3 grams of pure creatine monohydrate in each serving of Transparent Labs Mass Gainer.

Does bulk mass gainer work? ›

Mass gainers may be a good source of extra calories and protein if you are trying to build muscle during periods of intense training. However, if you're trying to gain only lean muscle mass, whey protein may be a better option for you. Typically, the carbs to protein ratio in mass gainers is either 3:1 or 2:1.

Does mass gainer increase belly fat? ›

Mass gainers do not make you fat, but they have the potential to make you fat if you are consuming excessive calories over your maintenance. Mass gainers make drinking excess calories easy, which is often why they are thought to make you fat.

Is it safe to take mass gainer everyday? ›

In summary, taking mass gainer every day can be beneficial if integrated into your overall nutrition plan and fitness goals. Moderation, proper timing, and considering your calorie requirements are key factors. Always prioritize a balanced diet consisting of whole foods alongside your mass gainer supplements.

Does transparent labs bulk have testosterone? ›

Each scoop of Bulk Black packs over 17 grams of proven nitric oxide boosters, hard-hitting nootropics, natural testosterone-supporting ingredients, and muscle fortifiers dosed according to scientific evidence, so you can bring the noise every time you walk into the gym.

What are the results of a 1 month mass gainer? ›

The result of using a mass gainer for one month can vary depending on factors like diet, exercise routine, and individual metabolism. Generally, you might notice an increase in muscle mass and strength, provided you're also following a consistent workout regimen and consuming enough calories.

Is transparent lab all natural? ›

According to its website, all products are free of artificial colors and sweeteners, and formulated using natural and grass-fed ingredients. Supplements also undergo testing through an independent lab, such as Analytical Resource Laboratories.

What happens if you take mass gainer without working out? ›

A: Mass Gainers are calorie-rich supplements that yield the best results when combined with regular exercise or a workout routine. Using them without exercise may lead to unwanted weight gain.

What happens when you stop taking mass gainers? ›

Will I lose weight if I stop taking mass gainers? While cutting a mass gainer from your supplement stack will certainly drop your calorie intake each day, it won't necessarily guarantee you lose weight. The only way to ensure weight loss is to be in a calorie deficit.

How long does it take to gain weight with mass gainer? ›

If you're looking to put on a significant amount of muscle, it could take anywhere from 3-6 months to start seeing results. The key is consistency—you need to be taking the mass gainer regularly and following a consistent workout plan in order to see progress.

What are 3 disadvantages of plant protein? ›

Plant proteins are often incomplete proteins, and therefore should be consumed in combination in order to serve as a complete protein. Some plant-based proteins are high in carbohydrates not ideal for anyone following a low-carb diet. Plant protein powders are typically more expensive than whey protein.

Does plant-based protein powder have side effects? ›

Sometimes, plant-based protein powders, like those made from peas or using protein isolate, can be a bit rough on our stomachs. You might notice some gas, bloat, or just feel a bit off. It's usually because our bodies can find plant proteins a bit harder to break down.

Is there anything wrong with mass gainer? ›

Mass gainers have a lot of macronutrients and calories. Because of this, it can cause gastrointestinal issues, especially due to the high macronutrient content4. Gastrointestinal issues can include bloating, stomach pain, and nausea, along with other symptoms.

Which mass gainer has no side effects? ›

Patanjali Nutrela Weight Gain is a scientifically developed, advanced weight gain formula with the power of ayurveda to gain weight naturally with no side effect.

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